1970's Camp Squanto Rec Hall

(click on image to enlarge)
1970's Camp Squanto Rec Hall.


Minnie said...

What splendid memories I have from the Rec Hall: Games on rainy days like "Fruit Basket Upset" and the weekly camp choir rehearsals that led to singing at special events, and of course, skit night. Now that was my favorite. We got to act, and act crazy we did. I laughed so hard when the counselors would get up there. Thought that was the funniest of all.

Does anyone remember,
"Hey there Maw, You're looking mighty down."
"Well, I ain't got the money for the mortgage on the farm."
"Why ain'tchuh got the money for the mortgage on the farm?"
"Cuz I ain't got the money for the mortgage on the farm."

Then the chorus of children on the farm chanted in unison, "Sob,,,, sob..... Sob, sob. sob."

I heard this nearly every summer and did not tire of it.

Wonderful times - wonderful memories!

Ann4mation said...

I remember it! :) I found your post because I was trying to find the words to that old skit, and all I could remember was the villain saying, "I'll take your daughter for the mortgage on the farm!" and something about a cow! Anyway, I'm glad someone else remember it too -- now I just have to figure out the rest of it! :)